Coding Journal

Jordan Vidrine

Daily Coding Journal

An experienced business owner + musician with a demonstrated history of management in the Energy sector and an insatiable appetite for learning new and complex skills. Transitioning from an ownership role & seeking employment in Web Development as a Jr Full Stack Developer.

May 30th 2019

Spent a couple hours working back on the nested todos exercise for the Watch and Code premium users. I was excited to FIX the issue where my nested todos were rendering BEFORE their parent element.

A couple issues still exist however:

  1. I cannot nest a subTodo on an already nested todo:

    I think the issue here is that I have a ‘findTodo’ function that runs when the addSubTodo button is clicked. I am having an issue translating the ID of the todo that is clicked, to the push method targeting the correct subTodo.

  2. I cannot toggle a nested todo

    I believe the issue here is similar to the above.

Here is the code I used to fix the ordering problem:

function render(todos) {
  if (todos.length == 0) {
    todoInput.value = '';
  todoInput.value = '';

function todosParser(todos) {
  let html = '';
  if (todos.length >= 1) {
    // recursively builds html to append to #todos UL
    for (let a = 0; a < todos.length; a++) {
      let todo = todos[a];
      if (!todo.subTodos.length > 0) html += todosParser(todo);
      // builds up the inner arrays if subTodo exists
      if (todo.subTodos.length > 0) {
        html += todoCreator(todo);
        for (let b = 0; b < todo.subTodos.length; b++) {
          let subTodo = todo.subTodos[b];
          // if this is the beginning of a subTodo array, add <ul> to the front
          if (b == 0) {
            html += '<ul>'
          // if this is the end of a subTodo array, add </ul> to the back
          if (b == todo.subTodos.length - 1) {
            html += todosParser(subTodo) + '</ul>'
          // this this isnt the beg or end, return an <li> from todoparser
          else {
            html += todosParser(subTodo)

  else {
    html += todoCreator(todos)
  return html;

function todoCreator(todo) {
  let completed = todo.completed ? "class='todo completed'" : "class='todo'"
  let completeTodoButton = `<button id="complete-todo">`;
  if (todo.completed) {
    completeTodoButton += `(*)</button>`
    // only inserts button IF subTodos are all complete or non-existant
  } else if (todo.subTodos.filter(e=>e.completed).length === todo.subTodos.length) {
    completeTodoButton += `()</button>`
  } else {
    completeTodoButton = '';
  return (
  `<li id="${}" ${completed}>` +
    `${completeTodoButton} ${todo.title}` +
    `<button id="delete-todo-btn">remove</button>` +
    `<button id="add-sub-todos-btn">add sub-todos</button>` +
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